React Calendar Toolkit
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OverviewGetting startedInstallUsageIE11 supportDatepickerDatepicker attached to the inputChange visual theme
Customize UI


Install react-calendar-toolkit and peer-dependency date-fns.

yarn add react-calendar-toolkit date-fns@2
npm install --save react-calendar-toolkit date-fns@2


Use Datepicker or any other export inside your component. Don't forget to import default styles from react-calendar-toolkit/lib/default.css.

import React from 'react';
import Datepicker from 'react-calendar-toolkit'; // datepicker component
import 'react-calendar-toolkit/lib/style/default.css'; // styles
const Component = () => (
<Datepicker onDateSet={date => {console.log('date set', date)}} />
export default Component;

IE11 support

To make RCT work in IE11 you need to

  1. Install polyfills:

    yarn add react-app-polyfill element-closest
    npm install --save react-app-polyfill element-closest
  2. Add following to the top of the entry point file:

    import 'react-app-polyfill/ie11';
    import 'react-app-polyfill/stable';
    import elementClosest from 'element-closest'
  3. Import IE11 compatible styles from package:

import 'react-calendar-toolkit/lib/style/ie.css';

Note: IE11 doesn't support css variables, so default UI theming will not work. You can use Custom UI instead or add polyfill.