React Calendar Toolkit
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OverviewGetting startedDatepickerDatepicker attached to the inputChange visual theme
Customize UI


React hook. Returns function, which formats date using provided locale. Use date-fns format strings.

import locale from 'date-fns/esm/locale/ru';
import Datepicker, {useFormatDate} from 'react-calendar-toolkit';
<Datepicker dateFnsLocale={locale} />
const Component = () => {
const formatDate = useFormatDate();
* @param {string} pattern - Formatting pattern
* @param {Date} date - Date object to apply format
* @return {string} Formatted date
const date = formatDate('MMM do', new Date(2020, 0, 6)) // Янв. 6-е
// ...


React hook, returns theme object from component props.

import Datepicker, {useThemeContext} from 'react-calendar-toolkit';
<Datepicker theme={{foo: 'bar'}} />
// later
const Component = () => {
* @return {Object} theme object
const theme = useThemeContext(); // {foo: 'bar'}


React hook, based on callback ref, to inject your theme object as CSS variables into HTML element it makes reference to. theme prop should be Record-like plain object structure Object.<string, string>.

import React, {useRef, useEffect} from 'react';
import Datepicker, {useTheme} from 'react-calendar-toolkit';
<Datepicker theme={{'--varName': 'value'}} />
// later
const Component = () => {
const [getRef, setRef] = useTheme();
/* Do something with ref */
useEffect(() => {
/* Note: we are using first member of returned tuple */
return (
/* Note: we are using second member of tuple*/
<div ref={setRef}>

By default useTheme applies theme object from props on the top of defaultTheme. If you don't need the default theme, call it with empty or custom theme object parameter.

const [getRef, setRef] = useTheme({})


React hook to scroll ref target into view if parent container is visible.

import React, {useRef} from 'react';
import {useScrollIntoView} from 'react-calendar-toolkit';
import classes from './Year.module.css';
const Component = () => {
const targetElement = useRef();
* @function
* @name useScrollIntoView
* @description React hook. Scrolls element into viewport if parent container is visible.
* @param {Object} ref - React ref
* @param {string} containerSelector - Selector of containing element: '.className'
* @param {Boolean} condition - Condition flag
* @return {void}
useScrollIntoView(targetElement, `.${classes.scrollContainer}`, true)
return (
<div ref={targetElement}>


React hook to trigger provided callback when user clicks outside provided node.

import React, {useRef} from 'react';
import {useOnClickOutside} from 'react-calendar-toolkit';
const Component = () => {
const ref = useRef();
* @function
* @name useOnClickOutside
* @param {Object} ref - React ref
* @param {Function} callback - Runs when users clicks
* @return {void}
useOnClickOutside(ref, () => {
return (
<div ref={ref}>